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Welcome to our English Teaching Channel!
1. The verb tenses dog
2. Word
3. Verb or noun quiz show
4. Punctuation detective
6. Antonyms
5. Words instead of

7. Year 1 Vocabulary
English Teaching Channel

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Plurals rule 1 add s
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Singular and plural
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Question, statement, command
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Pluals rule 2 add es
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8. Nouns or Verbs
9. Verb tense
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Heathlands has an English teaching channel!
Literacy is an essential subject for all other learning, as well as being lots of fun and opening up a world of information. A good way to develop your own learning is to explain it to others. In these videos pupils at Heathlands use creative ways to teach others some of the literacy and grammar rules they have been learning themselves. We hope you enjoy them and find them useful. Do share this channel with anyone who might find it helpful.
Miss Head
Assistant Headteacher
Heathlands lower school

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